Future Walks

Saturday, 16 March 2019 Explore the Upper Plateau above Fairy Glen Enquiries: Tim Attwell 082 3432 501 We ascend the path beside the rock climbers’ paradise of Kasteelkop and traverse the shale band with its different types of fynbos and magnificent views of the Kogelberg and Perdeberg Mountains. After a refreshment break at a good view site we will descend via the steep and stony Klipspringer Path. Good, sturdy walking shoes or boots, a hat, sunblock and refreshments are mandatory. This trail will appeal to reasonably fit people of all ages and take about three…
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Future Walks

17 November 2018 Meet at Harold Porter NBG at 09h00 to share transport Enquiries: Tim Attwell, cell phone 082 343 2501 This one is really relaxed, and the focus isn’t so much botanical as avian. We’ll visit the bird hide in the Rooisand Nature Reserve. Naturally there are items of botanical interest – Cape Lowland Freshwater Wetland is a distinctive vegetation type. But the idea here is to hunker down in the spacious bird hide with a pair of binoculars, a bird guidebook and a cuppa which you have brought along in a flask. The walk…
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Future Events

WALKS PLANNED FOR 2018: 15 SEPTEMBER 2018 09h00 Harold Porter National Botanical Gardens Join us for a combined botanical ramble in the Hangklip Nature Reserve, also known as the Brodie Link. Only it’s more than the Brodie Link – you’ll find out more when you come along. We’ll be combining with members of the Kirstenbosch Branch under the leadership of renowned citizen botanist Ivor Jardine to explore what spring has sprung forth in a rich area, parts of which were burnt early last year. Meet at the Harold Porter National Botanical Gardens at 09h00 on…
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Walk Report – April 2018

Botsoc Kogelberg Walk Report - By Tim Attwell (17th March 2018) After a series of more challenging walks, the intention was to take this one easy with a botanical ramble in the Harold Porter National Botanical Gardens, go slow and easy up the Bobbejaanskop path and hopefully see the last of Nivenia stokoei near the top. There was also the possibility, lower down in more sandy areas, of coming across Nerine sarniensis and other Amaryllidaceae such as Haemanthus, Brunsvigia and Ammocharis, not an unreasonable expectation, it being the month of March, after all.   But ‘things…
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Botsoc Kogelberg Walk Report 18th November 2017

For some reason the assembled Botsoc members and guests were reluctant to scan the distant heights of the contour path from the Fairy Glen parking area before we set off. ‘Let’s just get on with it’, they said. Sometimes it’s better to just sally forth and deal with the steep gradient as it comes. So that’s what we did. The objective was to survey the early summer flowers on the western slopes of the Three Sisters Peaks by traversing the contour path from Kasteelkopnek to Spooknek and descend via Dot’s Dash and the Klipspringer path…
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Walks Planned

Botsoc Kogelberg Next Walk 18th November 2017 A little more challenging than last month and splendid views. We’ll go higher, via Kasteelkopnek up to the Contour Path below the Three Sisters Peaks, enjoy the views from Spook Nek and have tea, then descend via Dot’s Dash and the Klipspringer Path – all in the Kleinmond Mountain Nature Reserve, starting and finishing at Fairy Glen. This route offers some of the most enthralling mountain views in the Kogelberg. There is no technical climbing, but sturdy walking shoes/boots, sunblock, hat and a stick will be needed, as…
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October Walk

Next Walk 21st October 2017 We’ll leave the fynbos and the forests for this one and explore the shore line from Betty’s Bay’s Silversands beach towards the Hangklip lighthouse. Once the haunt of runaways and strandlopers, this stretch of coastline displays Cape Seashore Vegetation, rock pools and secluded coves and has an air of remoteness and mystery. We don’t know how far we’ll get – but neither did the runaways and strandlopers. We do know we’ll be back in time to do some chores or weekend shopping. Meet at the Harold Porter National Botanical Garden…
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16th September 2017: Oudebos, Kogelberg Nature Reserve Spring has sprung! Time to explore. We will take the path to the Oudebos forest in the Kogelberg Nature Reserve – through splendid Kogelberg Sandstone Fynbos, surrounded by towering mountain scenery and into the Oudebos Afrotemperate Forest where we will have tea beside the river in the forest, then return. The path is the first part of the famed Oudebos to Harold Porter National Botanical Gardens traverse. Here are a few important advisory notes: To get the best out of this trail we will have to maintain a fairly…
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Saturday 17 June 2017: Rod's Trail The best of Kogelberg Sandstone (Mountain) Fynbos for the least effort. It’s been a while since we explored this little gem of a trail, familiar to many, surprisingly little known by others. The trail is a contour path on the slopes of Betty’s Bay’s Voorberg, starting from the Harold Porter National Botanical Gardens and ending at the Village Centre, about two and a half kilometres, and we take it slow. Wear warm clothing and sturdy hiking shoes or boots. Bring rain gear, a snack and a warm drink in…
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Saturday 20 May 2017: Jean’s Hill, Kleinmond Winter is coming and so is Protea time. Protea compacta, Protea longifolia, Protea lepidocarpodendron, Protea neriifolia, Protea coronata, Protea cynaroides, Protea repens and more. How many canwe find? A good place to look is on Jean’s Hill above Kleinmond. Protea compacta           Protea longifolia The Jean’s Hill Trail is short (just over 2 kilometres to the top and back), quite steep in places and offers splendid views over Kleinmond to the sea. Time allowing, the search for Proteas in bloom can be extended to the…
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