Diarise these dates 20 October 2018 17h30 for 18h00 Topic: Old Four Legs Presenter: Dr Kerry Sink (SANBI) Venue: Harold Porter National Botanical Gardens Dr Kerry Sink of SANBI will give a presentation she calls Old Four Legs which is about marine reserves around South Africa. Old Four Legs is a common term given to the coelacanth. The blue-grey coelacanth adults are about two metres long, weigh about 80 kilograms, and have strange tails, limb-like fins, thick scales and prodigious teeth. The fins contain bones that resemble toes on a reptile. Coelacanths could well be an… read more
Saturday 15 July (AGM): At our 2017 AGM meeting, Tim Attwell will speak on “Finding NEMBA: Adventure into Community Conservation”. At 18h00 – Nivenia Hall, HPBG. The talk will introduce people to aspects of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act (NEMBA) of 2004, the NEMBA Regulations of 2014 and current efforts by the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) to encourage and enable partnerships between organs of State, civil society organisations, business and private citizens in giving effect to the provisions of NEMBA and the NEMBA regulations. Items discussed will include: Reducing fire risk Saving water… read more
Saturday 17 June: Geologist Dr John Rogers will talk about his new book, Geological Outings in the Fairest Cape: Unlocking the Secrets of its Scenery. At 18h00 – Nivenia Hall, HPBG. Dr Rogers' book is due to be published in April; it features Betty’s Bay and mentions two of our residents. The following day, on Sunday morning, John will take us on a field trip in our area. Way back in May 2010, John gave an excellent talk “on the hotly debated Pringle Bay Fault in his usual knowledgeable and infectiously enthusiastic style” to quote Prof Michael… read more
Saturday 20 May: Dr Allan Heydorn will speak on “The Rock Lobsters of Tristan da Cunha and Gough Island and how they relate to the perlemoen and kreef poaching in the Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve”. At 18h00 – Nivenia Hall, HPBG. Allan, a diver/scientist, while on an expedition actually looking for diamonds, was the person who first discovered the Tristan rock lobsters on Vema Seamount in 1964. Subsequent publicity (not from Allan) led to “a ruthless international onslaught” on this virgin population of rock lobsters from which it has never recovered. Saturday 17 June: Geologist Dr… read more
Saturday 22 April (Please note this is the fourth Saturday of the month – the usual talk date on the third Saturday falls on the Easter weekend): Patrick Ryan, Ryan Heydenrych and Dean Harrison, of Vulcan Wildfire Management, will speak on wildfire and environmental management for both the public and private sectors. At 18h00 – Nivenia Hall, HPBG. Patrick Ryan, Ryan Heydenrych and Dean Harrison began their careers as volunteer fire fighters. This passion has seen them move to becoming professionals with a combined 20 years' experience between them. The presentation will be of great… read more
Saturday 18 March: Dr Gary Stafford, of Stellenbosch University, will speak on the use of plants in African traditional medicine. At 18h00 – Nivenia Hall, HPBG. Dr Gary Stafford has researched African traditional medicine since 002. As an ethnobotanist his main research interests have been on the utilisation, production and development of plants used in traditional medicine in South Africa. He is also interested in policy development, chemotaxonomy, chemical ecology, plant systematics and evolution. Currently he is a NRF Scarce Skills Postdoctoral Fellow at the Stellenbosch University, working on collaborative projects with traditional healers on the development and… read more
Saturday 18 February: Brian Huntley on his time on Marion Island as a young man. At 18h00 – Nivenia Hall. HPBG Saturday 18 March: Stellenbosch University's Dr Gary Stafford, with a doctorate in ethnobotany, will speak on medicinal plants. At 18h00 – Nivenia Hall, HPBG. “Highlights of Brian’s diary include two visits to nearby Prince Edward Island, most probably the first time anyone since the sealing days has stayed overnight; what is pretty definitely the first summiting of Marion after several attempts; and observations on the sealing huts of which remains then still existed. But… read more
Saturday 21 January: Cuan McGeorge, Senior Field Ranger, Stony Point Seabird Breeding Colony, Cape Nature, on “Adaptability of endangered species – The birth of Stony Point Seabird Colony”. At 18h00 – Pringle Bay Community Hall. Saturday 18 February: Brian Huntley on his time on Marion island as a young man. At 18h00 – Nivenia Hall, HPBG. Note: Botsoc Walks and Talks are always held on the third Saturday of the month, and Betty’s Bay Hacks on the first Sunday of the month. read more