- Chris Lochner Two new exhibitions are happening this spring. Both focus on botanical art, and while each has a unique approach, each one will be well worth the visit. Flora Old and New Date: Opening on Saturday 3 September 2016 at 11am Venue: Irma Stern Museum, Cecil Road Rosebank (Parking on Chapel Road) Exhibition runs until 1 October 2016 Museum is open Tuesday to Friday 10am - 5pm and Saturday 10am - 2pm Daily walkabouts by artists at 11am www.irmasternmuseum.org.za http://artthrob.co.za/2016/08/17/flora-old-and-new-at-the-uct-irma-stern-museum/ 021 685 5686 Plant Date: 17 – 25 September 2016 Venue: Old Mutual…
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Earlier this year, our branch donated R5000 to Whale Coast Conservation (WCC) towards the Kleinmond Fynbos Expo. The aim of the project was to provide environmental education about Fynbos to 200 local school children. Here is the report on the exhibition, sent to our Branch by the WCC. On 19 August, Whale Coast presented an Expo on Fynbos to the Grade 6 and 7 learners from Kleinmond Primêr and to the Siyabolela Pre-Primary School.   The Expo was kindly sponsored by the Kogelberg Branch of the Botanical Society of South Africa. We, and the children,…
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The UCT Irma Stern Museum in Cape Town will celebrate the arrival of spring with a botanical art exhibition, titled “Flora Old and New”, bringing together artwork from established artists of Cape flora with new artwork that has been commissioned for the exhibition. This is a collaborative event with contemporary botanical paintings by members of the Western Cape branch of the Botanical Artists’ Association of Southern Africa (BAASA) and older works, dating from the 19th and early 20th centuries, on loan from UCT’s Manuscripts Department and Bolus Herbarium Collections. A selection of superb botanical artworks…
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Earlier this year, our branch donated R5000 to Whale Coast Conservation (WCC) towards the Kleinmond Fynbos Expo. The aim of the project is to provide environmental education about Fynbos to 200 local school children. Past experience has shown that knowledge of learners in the Overstrand about fynbos is extremely low, which is a matter of concern. If the next generation is not fully informed about the importance of fynbos and the real threats it faces, there will be little will to protect it. The Expo will consist of 5 exhibits, each illustrating different aspects of…
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Merrilee Berrisford The wonderful landscapes, plants and animals of the Kogelberg will be seen by tens of thousands of visitors to this year’s Chelsea Flower Show in May. The South African exhibit was formally launched at a function in the Conservatory at Kirstenbosch on 21 April. Exciting news for the villages of the Kogelberg Biosphere Reserve is that the twin themes are the Reserve and Harold Porter NBG. We’d had clues that Kogelberg would feature when designer David Davidson wanted a copy of our book, Your Place in the Kogelberg. It was a great surprise…
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You, our many members and friends, need to know that Kogelberg Branch is now the very proud owner of sixteen flower paintings by early botanical artist, Ethel Dixie. Priscilla Blake, one of our members, has most graciously given them to us as she says she is ‘downsizing’. Priscilla, a librarian, had retired from Johannesburg to Kleinmond and was a regular at our talks and walks and still is to be seen after her move to Somerset West. Dr John Rourke came to see the paintings, armed with his lens and almost immediately pronounced them ‘Good…
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