Botsoc Walk 18 February 2017 Finding Nivenia. Brilliant blue Nivenia stokoei is one of our local treasures and coming into bloom as we speak. Meanwhile, it’s that time of year when members of the Amaryllidaceae family (e.g. Haemanthus, Amaryllis, Nerine) start strutting their stuff. We go looking for them on Bobbejaanskop in the Harold Porter National Botanical Garden. We’ll take the high path, but not all the way up the zig-zags, to a spectacular view and return via Disa Kloof. Bring refreshments, a hat and a hiking stick. Meet at the Harold Porter National Botanical…
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Botsoc Walk 21 January 2017 The route for the January walk is still to be determined. Meanwhile, save the date. As always, we will meet at the Harold Porter National Botanical Gardens parking area at 09h00 on Saturday, 21 January 2017. Enquiries: Tim Attwell 082 343 2501 Barbara Jenman 082 338 4109 Rea Borcherds 072 238 8144
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Botsoc Walk 21 January 2017 The route for the January walk is still to be determined. Meanwhile, save the date. As always, we will meet at the Harold Porter National Botanical Gardens parking area at 09h00 on Saturday, 21 January 2017. Enquiries: Tim Attwell 082 343 2501 Barbara Jenman 082 338 4109 Rea Borcherds 072 238 8144
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Botsoc Walk 19 November 2016 The route for the November walk is to be determined. Meanwhile, save the date. As always, we will meet at the Harold Porter National Botanical Gardens parking area at 09h00 on Saturday, 19 November 2016. Enquiries: Tim Attwell 082 343 2501 Barbara Jenman 082 338 4109 Rea Borcherds 072 238 8144
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• Botsoc Walk 15 October 2016 “What lies beneath”. The rocks and soil beneath fynbos makes a difference; the vegetation we see is the product of the substrate we don’t see. Renowned botanist and botanical historian Dr John Rourke shows us fynbos vegetation growing only on Western Coastal Shale Band and points out how it is different from Sand and Sandstone fynbos. We hitch a ride in high clearance vehicles up to stunning views from Kasteelkop Nek high above Kleinmond. We amble down (not up!) a gravel road while Dr Rourke points out special features…
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Botsoc Walk 17 September 2016 Spring has sprung! It’s time to head for a mountain trail that shows off the best of Kogelberg Sandstone Fynbos without too much effort, since winter inactivity has taken its toll on our mountain legs. There’s no better trail for that purpose than Rod’s Trail. Named after Rod Smitheman, conservationist, architect and one-time mayor of Betty’s Bay, Rod’s Trail starts at the top of Kloof Road, adjacent to the Harold Porter National Botanical Gardens and traverses west along the southern slopes of Voorberg before it gently descends to Pipe Road…
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Next walk: Saturday 20 August 2016 Famed cartographer and writer Peter Slingsby says Betty’s Bay’s Denys Heesom Trail ‘knocks [the Hermanus Cliff Path] sideways for wilderness and wildlife’. (See Peter Slingsby’s book, Walks with a Fat Dog, page 130.) It may be in our back yard, but have you done it all in one go? The trail starts at Jock’s Bay and end four kilometres later at Stony Point. On the way we’ll see the Milkwoods at Dawid’s Kraal, traverse the length of main Beach, get among the Cape seashore vegetation early spring flower display…
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