Walk Report – Oct 2018

Yes, our Botsoc Kogelberg monthly walk was indeed scheduled for the third Saturday of October – the 20th to be precise. And yes, a small group of faithful walkers did arrive at the Harold Porter National Botanical Gardens at 09:00 on that day. Things were going swimmingly – except for the wind, blowing great guns. A short conference ensued and consensus reached almost immediately. ‘Rain we can manage’, noting that our walks haven’t been rained out for years, but this wind is not worth it. So we promised each other that we would get together…
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Walk Report – March 2018

Botsoc Kogelberg Walk Report - By Tim Attwell (17th February 2018) It seemed a good idea at the time. February serves up the best of summer in the Kogelberg; not much wind, little chance of rain and warm sunny days. The prospect of a swim in the Palmiet River was too good to resist. And so it proved. Except that the swimming spot we chose, the famous ‘Beach’ on the Palmiet River, deep in the Kogelberg Nature Reserve, was five kilometres from the parking spot and there was indeed little cooling breeze, negligible cloud cover and…
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Botsoc Kogelberg Walk Report 18th November 2017

For some reason the assembled Botsoc members and guests were reluctant to scan the distant heights of the contour path from the Fairy Glen parking area before we set off. ‘Let’s just get on with it’, they said. Sometimes it’s better to just sally forth and deal with the steep gradient as it comes. So that’s what we did. The objective was to survey the early summer flowers on the western slopes of the Three Sisters Peaks by traversing the contour path from Kasteelkopnek to Spooknek and descend via Dot’s Dash and the Klipspringer path…
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- Merrilee Berrisford, Chairman. People are at the core, the heart of any organisation. Today we honour the memory of one of the very foundation bricks of Kogelberg Branch, Jill Attwell. Jill, in her nineties, died peacefully earlier this month. We knew her as a writer, hacker, fynbos gardener and visionary. She was our first Honorary Life Member of BotSoc. Jill and her husband, conservationist the late Bo (Roelf) Attwell together made a huge contribution to promoting the natural environment. It just happens that we are about to publish as an e-book, Jill’s history of…
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For the first time, Kogelberg Branch had a presence at not only the concerts but also the Plant Sale in Harold Porter this December. Jeannie Harning and Natalie van Wulven - our new committee members and treasurer, manned a table selling Your Place in the Kogelberg and other books and, most importantly, encouraging people to join the Society. Natalie has established a Facebook page for the branch, both are actively promoting branch activities – and hacking. Great work, Natalie and Jeannie!
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Botsoc Kogelberg Walk Report: 16 April 2016 Tim Attwell It was an impromptu affair. Not the date, but the destination. Some feared it may be ill advised to tackle the stiff climb to the plateau above Fairy Glen in the Kleinmond Nature Reserve, considering that we had not issued dark warnings to all comers about the challenge it would represent. To their credit, none of the thirteen Botsoc members were fazed by the prospect, viewed from the car park, of toiling 200 vertical metres up the zig-zag Klipspringer path to the sun brightened expanse of…
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Botsoc Kogelberg Walk Report: 19 March 2016 Tim Attwell The village of Pringle Bay was anything but sleepy on the morning of 19 March. The hugely popular and well organised annual Village Festival made assembling the eager Botanical Society walkers among the crowds of festival goers tricky to say the least. Not to be deterred, sixteen members found each other at the Drosters Centre and drove in convoy to the start of an exploration of the much less populated and splendid coastal path beginning at Moonlight Bay (aka Grootbaai), circling round to Cape Hangklip with…
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