Walk Report – 18 May ’19
Saturday 18 May 2019
Walk from Pringle Bay to Rooiels. A moderate to easy undulating route in front of the Two Sisters Peaks with great views of False Bay, young fynbos starting to mature and interesting birding – possibly the Cape Rock-jumper, Cape Rock-thrush and Ground Woodpecker, and certainly the Cape Sugarbird and maybe Orange Breasted Sunbird. Bring binoculars, good walking shoes or boots, refreshments and water, hat, sunblock and clothing for changeable weather.
Meet at Harold Porter National Botanical Gardens at 09h00 to share transport to Pringle Bay. We will need to leave a couple of cars at Rooiels for the return to Pringle Bay. Pringle Bay and Rooiels residents, meet at the slipway at Pringle Bay beach at 09h30.
Enquiries: Tim Attwell 082 343 2501
Saturday 15 June 2019
Jean’s Hill, Kleinmond Mountain Nature Reserve. This is Protea and Leucadendron world and winter is their time. The route starts at the Kleinmond Golf Club, ascends via the eastern path behind Jean’s Hill and descends in front. The climb is a bit stiff, but do-able at an easy pace. The views are worth it. Wear strong walking shoes or boots, bring a hiking stick, clothing for changeable weather, water, snacks and a warm flask, if you have one.
Meet at Harold Porter National Botanical Gardens at 09h00 to share transport to the Kleinmond Gold Club. Residents of Kleinmond meet at the Kleinmond Golf Club at 09h30.
Enquiries: Tim Attwell 082 343 2501