Kogelberg Branch of the Botanical Society’s Survey of Members’ Interests

Photo for Feature Article

Everybody’s got one…

One of the benefits of belonging to the Botanical Society is that you can make a difference – and it’s not what you think. You don’t have to be a botanical wonk or a natural science geek to make the Kogelberg Branch of the Botanical Society of South Africa even more successful.

This ‘Survey of Members’ Interests’ will help us all get an idea of the many ways we can work together in the Kogelberg Branch of the Botanical Society.

From combating alien invasive plants to helping our get togethers to be friendly and fun; from planning informative and entertaining talks and workshops to organising walks, outings, trips to interesting locations, fund raising, educational programmes, hacking, making both members and guests feel welcome and advertising – it all becomes so much better when everyone knows they’ve got something to offer and the right people can be called on at the right time for the right task.

Just click through to the survey below and send it back to share what you’ve got! You won’t be ‘hijacked’ into tasks you’re not keen to tackle, nor will you be saddled with endless obligations. You will be able to share what you’ve got and make a difference.

Click here to take the survey and share!