Peter Berrisford Judy New gave 70 guests an amazing tour of Peru. A kaleidoscope of high mountains, swollen rivers, Peruvian towns, steep valleys, strange new species of animals, descendants of the Incas in traditional multi-coloured costumes, parades in Peruvian town squares, tortuous roads, landslides, human sacrifices 500 years old preserved in the rarefied cold high mountain air, jungles, and for the botanists, pictures of unfamiliar plants. It was a breathtaking tour de force, immaculately prepared, professionally presented. While the excuse for the entertainment was fundraising, these functions double as social events. The subject of the…
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The hidden hydrology of Groenvlei, a lacustrine wetland near Sedgefield

Saturday 15  August: By Dr Roger Parsons Dr Roger Parsons highlighted the need to embrace the scientific method when undertaking hydrological research and the need for all evidence to support the conceptual understanding of the functioning of the wetland system. The absence of surface run-off prevented rainfall – run-off models being used to quantify the hydrology of the 356 ha wetland located east of Sedgefield in the Garden Route. Rather, a simple water balance approach was used as the component parts (rainfall, evaporation and lake level) are measured daily. Also, the groundwater flow into and out…
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