An all-new Kogelberg Gardening Club

- By Merilee Berrisford  A group to offer helpful advice and practical demonstrations to garden lovers and garden strugglers Here we are living in the Kogelberg with dune gardens, mountain gardens, wetland gardens and more, but many people feel completely at sea when it comes to gardening in this unique biosphere reserve. What works in one garden makes no progress in another. Some people seem to get it just right while others tear their hair out in frustration that nothing grows. The Kogelberg Branch of the Botanical Society of South Africa has come together to form…
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Merrilee Berrisford This year the annual gatherings of BotSoc SA were held on 16 September at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth in a room above the Mandela Café, part of the Student Union. In the courtyard below us the SRC election was happening with lively singing and dancing once voting was over. Present at the Convention were the President, Prof George Bredenkamp, Chairman of Council, Andrew Blackmore, five Council members, Executive Director, Zaitoon Rabaney, Executive Assistant, Catherine Browne, nine branch chairmen and the auditor, Richard Browne. In the morning we listened to…
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