Walk Report – April 2018

Botsoc Kogelberg Walk Report - By Tim Attwell (17th March 2018) After a series of more challenging walks, the intention was to take this one easy with a botanical ramble in the Harold Porter National Botanical Gardens, go slow and easy up the Bobbejaanskop path and hopefully see the last of Nivenia stokoei near the top. There was also the possibility, lower down in more sandy areas, of coming across Nerine sarniensis and other Amaryllidaceae such as Haemanthus, Brunsvigia and Ammocharis, not an unreasonable expectation, it being the month of March, after all.   But ‘things…
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The path up Bobbejaanskop in the Harold Porter National Botanical Garden, sometimes called ‘the zig-zag path’, is often mentioned with a fearful quaver in the voice, induced by the prospect of a relentlessly steepening gradient and increasing exposure to height. But the dozen or so members and guests who tackled it showed that it’s eminently do-able if you take it slow, check out the flowers instead of the height and stop at the top bench for tea and self-congratulation. The view from the bench isn’t half bad either. The object of these heroics was Nivenia…
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