Chris Geldenhuys, Convenor

With a serious winter storm brewing, the Pringle Bay Hack Group started the hack on 26 June 2016 in Peter Road of Pringle Bay. The primary challenge was the ever-present Rooikrantz, some of them real monsters. During the month of June the Pringle Bay Hack have performed two other impromptu hacks as well, namely Rooikrantz in Upper Level Road and also in the bird sanctuary next to Marine Road. In that light June was a very successful hack month!

The following hackers performed the hack on 26 June: We were joined for the first time by Japie Krige. Welcome Japie! The rest of the hackers were: John Whitehead, Edward Silberbauer, Tom Dreyer, Neil and Penny Berens, Charles Hector, Andree Henning, Karen Toerien, Gert and Marita Grobbelaar, Rienie Schenk and Jenny Parsons together with Chris Geldenhuys.

A special word of thanks for the contribution and support provided by the members of the Betty’s Bay Hack to the Pringle Bay Hack. Their efforts and encouragement are, as always, greatly appreciated.

Judy and Louw Toerien provided the ever necessary mid-morning refreshments. Thanks you two! Again a special word of thanks go to Peter and Joyce of the Mini Mark for the generous donation towards the tea and sandwiches for the Hack Group. It was, as always, greatly appreciated by all.

The next monthly hack will be on Sunday 31 July 2016. As usual we will meet on the pavement opposite Drosters Centre, in Central Avenue, Pringle Bay, at 08:30 whereafter we will proceed to the hack site. The hack ends at 11:30. Everyone who would like to help rid Pringle Bay of alien vegetation is welcome. Hacking tools are provided. Contact Chris at (028) 273 8588, or just turn up at the meeting point.