Chris Geldenhuys, Convenor

The Pringle Bay Hack Group convened on 29 November 2015 and, while facing a pumping southeasterly wind, performed a very productive hack in Gully and Boundary Roads of Pringle Bay. The major challenge was the Rooikrantz bushes. This time the swarm of bees was no threat and the hack progressed extremely well. This was the last hack for 2015 and we will proceed again in January 2016.

The following hackers performed the hack: John Whitehead, Edward Silberbauer, Frik Potgieter, Sue Folb, Tom Dreyer, Andy James, Karen and Louw Toerien, Mike Begley, Hillary and Anthony Harris, Loraine and Kayla Prothero and Carol Wilson, together with Chris Geldenhuys.

A special word of thanks for the contribution and support provided by the members of the Bettys Bay Hack to the Pringle Bay Hack. Their efforts and encouragement are, as always, greatly appreciated.

Karin Toerien and Dave Muirhead provided the ever necessary mid-morning refreshments. Thanks you two! Again a special word of thanks to Peter and Joyce of the Mini Mark for the generous donation of tea and sandwiches for the Hack Group. It was as always greatly appreciated by all.

The Street hack, namely Lezette and Nora, did their bit on the verges of Hangklip Road where the biggest challenge is the spreading of the Australian Myrtle. This group will start again in January 2016 and meets bi-weekly. Lezette can be contacted on 028 273 8450 or on 082 398 3446 if you would like to assist.

We want to thank all the hackers for their wonderful support and encouragement during 2015 and wish everybody a very prosperous festive season. The next monthly hack will be on Sunday 31st January 2016.

As usual we will meet on the pavement opposite Drosters Centre, in Central Avenue, Pringle Bay, at 08:30 whereafter we will proceed to the hack site. The hack finishes at 11:30. Everyone who would like to help rid Pringle Bay of alien vegetation will be welcome.  Hacking tools are provided. Contact Chris on 028 273 8588, or just turn up at the meeting point.